Sunday 17 July 2016

An Overview on Business Immigration Canada Along with the Different Programs

Canada is one of the most established immigration system in the world that will confer you with the status of a permanent resident. The confederation system of the government in Canada and social norms of the country offers a European alternative to the brazen capitalism of USA. Canada will offer you with the European style social benefit that is complete resultant level of taxation along with unparalleled quality of life. Under the Business Immigration Canada model, you will be able to enjoy the following benefits.

Affordable first class immigration.

National health care program.

National pension system, with measurable annual income after you retire.

Business immigration comprises of,

Quebec Investor Program

Quebec Entrepreneur Program

Provincial Entrepreneur Program

Self-Employed Program

Start-Up Visa Program

According to CBSA Hearing various kinds of self-employed and entrepreneur program are basically for individuals with an extensive range of personal net worth who plan on establishing and operating a business in Canada. It is ideal for high net worth individuals who plan on making a passive investment without any obligation on establishing a business.

Requirements to Qualify Under Quebec Investor Program

Having a legally acquired personal net-worth of around 1.6 million CAD.

Possession two years of business experience or suitable management within five years before you has given the application.

Committing to make an investment of $800,000 CAD to a government guaranteed investment scheme for a specific period of five years which will bear no interest.

Intending to settle down in the province of Quebec.

Requirements to Qualify for Quebec Entrepreneur Program

Having at least two years of management or ownership experience and that too, in a lawful, industrial, agricultural, and commercial enterprise.

Having control of 25% of the shares in the new enterprise having a value of $100,000 CAD.

Possessing a personal net worth of at least $300,000 CAD.

Requirements to Qualify for Provincial Entrepreneur Programs

Having suitable entrepreneurial experience.

Possessing medium range net worth.

Requirements to Qualify for Self-Employed Programs

Possessing relevant two self-employed experience beginning preceding five years before applying for the program as per CBSA Hearing.

Having the intension or the ability to create own employment and also to make a significant contribution to artistic, athletic, and cultural life of Canada.

Possessing a net worth tad lower than the entrepreneur.

Requirements for Qualifying for Start-Up Visa Program

Obtaining a commitment from a designated individual in the form of a Letter of Support or Commitment Certificate. Keep sufficient available, as well as transferable settlement money.

Completing one year of post-secondary examination.

Being proficient in English.

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