Sunday 17 July 2016

An Overview on Business Immigration Canada Along with the Different Programs

Canada is one of the most established immigration system in the world that will confer you with the status of a permanent resident. The confederation system of the government in Canada and social norms of the country offers a European alternative to the brazen capitalism of USA. Canada will offer you with the European style social benefit that is complete resultant level of taxation along with unparalleled quality of life. Under the Business Immigration Canada model, you will be able to enjoy the following benefits.

Affordable first class immigration.

National health care program.

National pension system, with measurable annual income after you retire.

Business immigration comprises of,

Quebec Investor Program

Quebec Entrepreneur Program

Provincial Entrepreneur Program

Self-Employed Program

Start-Up Visa Program

According to CBSA Hearing various kinds of self-employed and entrepreneur program are basically for individuals with an extensive range of personal net worth who plan on establishing and operating a business in Canada. It is ideal for high net worth individuals who plan on making a passive investment without any obligation on establishing a business.

Requirements to Qualify Under Quebec Investor Program

Having a legally acquired personal net-worth of around 1.6 million CAD.

Possession two years of business experience or suitable management within five years before you has given the application.

Committing to make an investment of $800,000 CAD to a government guaranteed investment scheme for a specific period of five years which will bear no interest.

Intending to settle down in the province of Quebec.

Requirements to Qualify for Quebec Entrepreneur Program

Having at least two years of management or ownership experience and that too, in a lawful, industrial, agricultural, and commercial enterprise.

Having control of 25% of the shares in the new enterprise having a value of $100,000 CAD.

Possessing a personal net worth of at least $300,000 CAD.

Requirements to Qualify for Provincial Entrepreneur Programs

Having suitable entrepreneurial experience.

Possessing medium range net worth.

Requirements to Qualify for Self-Employed Programs

Possessing relevant two self-employed experience beginning preceding five years before applying for the program as per CBSA Hearing.

Having the intension or the ability to create own employment and also to make a significant contribution to artistic, athletic, and cultural life of Canada.

Possessing a net worth tad lower than the entrepreneur.

Requirements for Qualifying for Start-Up Visa Program

Obtaining a commitment from a designated individual in the form of a Letter of Support or Commitment Certificate. Keep sufficient available, as well as transferable settlement money.

Completing one year of post-secondary examination.

Being proficient in English.

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Status Restoration Canada – Requirements and Procedures

Obtaining a temporary status restoration Canada is applicable for people like businessmen and students who have already lost their current status. However, this can be applicable only for those who have run out of their present status for not more than 90 days and have failed to comply with the specified conditions. Below are some of the other requirements that are necessary for one to fulfill before one can apply.

The Requirements

These are only applicable if the applicant has fulfilled the initial requirements of their stay.

If they have failed complying with other conditions

If they are eligible under the class requirement and need a temporary status restoration Canada.

It is also possible for people to apply if they have lost their status because of the following conditions.

The period of authorization of their stay is over.

If they have been prohibited from engaging in the type of work that also includes the employer and the location.

If they have been prohibited from engaging in the educational institution, the type, of course, the location of the studies and the total time period of their stay.

Things to Note Down

Candidates who are likely to apply for this must remember that the temporary status permit will be issued only at the discretion of the Canadian Immigration Authorities. The officer in charge would weigh down the requirement of the person who is applying for the Temporary Status permit. Candidates should be able to justify the ground of their entry, no matter how minor the reason might be. Candidates will also be required to pay a processing fee, which will not be refunded even if the application is refused.

The maximum time period that a person can apply for is three years. One can even extend if afterward. That however, will no longer be valid if the person leaves the country. The permit can be canceled by an officer. There are circumstances where the holder of the temporary business immigration Canada might also be granted a permanent status. However, in that case, the conditions are exceptional.

Applicants need to submit their form along with supporting documents that will justify the purpose of their application and the reason governing the inadmissibility. If the applicant is a citizen of a visa-exempt country, then one will have to fulfill the business immigration Canada guidelines set out by their specific countries. Only after the fulfillment of these conditions, will the application be considered by the authorities.

Thursday 19 May 2016

Arrest, Removal and Detention Review Hearing Canada on Inadmissibility Grounds

According to the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, a person who is not a citizen of Canada, can be detained by a CBSA hearing officer during the following three situations. These are –
  • If an individual is attempting to enter Canada
  • If an individual is already in Canada
  • If an individual is in Canada during an immigration inquiry
The CBSA officer can carry out arrests and detention at airports, border crossings and even inland locations. The convict will then have to appear for admissibility hearing before the Immigration Division falling under the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. He can seek to take help from in this case from Altoria Immigration refugee protection programs.

Here are some of the possible detention review hearing Canada grounds based on which the Board can determine whether a person will be able to enter the country or not. Read them to understand.
Arrest Review Hearing Canada

The CBSA officer will be issuing a warrant for the detention and arrest of a foreign national or permanent resident if they find a convict to be –

A possibility of danger to the public
  • Is unable to give any satisfaction identity proof to the CBSA hearing officer
  • Is unable to appear for an admissibility hearing, examination, proceeding or a removal hearing
  • Is a part of an irregular arrival time as was designated by the Ministry of Emergency Preparedness and Public Safety
The Immigration CBSA officers can issue an arrest or detention without any warrant in case of the foreign nationals if they find –

  • The right to legal representation
  • A valid reason for arrest
  • The right to notify a government representative about the arrest
Detention Review Hearing Canada
A CBSA officer can detain a permanent resident or a foreign national at a port of entry if they –
Find valid reasons to believe that a person is inadmissible due to international rights, national security, human violation, or criminality issues.

If it necessary for a person to complete an exam.
An officer can offer release of an individual if they find better grounds of detention.

Removal Review Hearing Canada
It is essential to follow strict laws of removal in order to maintain the integrity of the program and to ensure continued fairness for those who are entering the country lawfully.
The decision-maker will be hearing the review issues in accordance to the tribunal process of the IRB. It is an adversarial process. There will be two parties present at the hearing – the convict and the CBSA Ministers’ Counsel. The person may be also be given a chance to appeal his or her case to the Immigration Appeal Division of the IRB.

Friday 12 February 2016

Get the most just Detention Review Hearing Canada

Canada is a country that accepts nearly 200,000 immigrants every year. Many people come to this country to start a new life for themselves. The country offers a lot of opportunities in career, education and personal life to everyone who wants to be a part of it. The quality of life here is very high and people are happy to live here in an environment of peace and serenity.

Immigrating to Canada is a big decision and one should be thoroughly prepared before making such a major move. The immigration body of the country can be tough and the process can get quite complicated. Knowledge acts as the greatest strength here and those who are aware of what the rules and laws are of the country can pass the process successfully.
The help from a body who has expertise in this matter can be invaluable during such circumstances. Altoria Immigration is an organization opened by former immigrants who have been through the process themselves and know the system inside out. They can give their invaluable advice to the aspirants and help them with their first hand experience. They understand the problems that the new immigrants can face and hence can help them transition smoothly through the process.

They take care of a lot of processes like Detention Review Hearing Canada, status restoration and so on. They also have a very active and helpful refugee program that is designed to help the refugees to get a shelter in their country and start a new life. Their refugee protection program is is two kinds. The first is in the In Canada Asylum program that is designed for the people making the claim within the country. The second variety is the Resettlement from Canada which is for people making claims from outside the country’s borders. It is called the Refugee and Humanitarian program.

Altoria also provides a just Cbsa Hearing for those candidates who are considered ineligible for the citizenship of the great white north.
They also have an online assessment test for the aspirants who want to become a citizen of the country. The test gives an accurate assessment of the chances of the aspirant to pass the test. The people who take the test must give absolutely honest and true answers if they want to know the real status. The results will be emailed to the taken at their registered email id.

Monday 18 January 2016

The immigration process made easy

Canada is a country that attracts thousands of immigrants from all over the world every year. It also accepts nearly 200,000 immigrants who want to move to this country for better opportunities and life. The quality and standard of life is much higher and the country is peace loving and there is no political or social unrests whatsoever.

If you have decided to move to this country to enjoy a better life, you need to be prepared with certain things. The Canada Appeal Process is not easy and there are a lot of challenges that you need to get through the process smoothly in order to be successful. During such times the assistance from an experienced body can make the whole ballgame easier.

Altoria Immigration is a body founded by a group of ex immigrants who have gone through the process themselves and they know the nitty-gritty’s of the entire matter. The huge knowledge base helps them to assist the others to get through the legal procedures.

With their helps the aspiring immigrants can realize and fulfill their dream of becoming someone. They are a fully licensed body by Citizenship and Immigration Canada and they are legally allowed to give their advice and guidance in Canada Appeal Process.

They are also legally allowed to represent the people who are deemed inadmissible by Canada Border Services Agency. The take care of the Cbsa Hearing and ensure that the clients get a just representation and counseling.

Altoria Immigration works in an all comprehensive way. They want their clients to be fully prepared before they actually enter the process. There is an online assessment available at the web site which includes all the fine details that the authorities may ask the aspiring immigrants. Honesty is the best trick to know the chances of getting citizenship in the country. The clients are asked to answer all the questions correctly in order to get a true idea about the result of the hearing process. You just need to go to their site and start your assessment process. The results will be given to you soon enough.

If you want more information, you can contact them directly and get your queries resolved. You can also sign up for their newsletter to get updates on their policies and new procedures.

Your dreams will surely come true if you employ their services and follow their instructions. You will become a citizen of your dream country in no time.